How to Make a Steel of Bread Soft Again

  • It is hard to stop a whole loaf of bread before it goes stale.
  • At that place are a few unlike hacks which tin can bring your stale bread back to life.
  • The most effective hack is spraying your loaf with water and baking information technology.

Fact: Unless you're feeding a crowd, it tin exist tough to end up an entire loaf of bread in the brief time it takes your carby goodness to go from fluffy and chewy to dumbo and hard. But letting fifty-fifty a piece of that $seven artisan loaf go to waste product would be pitiful. (And hey, peradventure you lot're not in the mood to make croutons or French toast.) So what tin you do?

Turns out, it's possible to bring breadstuff that's by its prime back to life. And co-ordinate to the internet, there are actually lots of means to do information technology. Whether they all work is another story, of grade. So I decided to see which method worked best.

(For the record, nosotros're talking almost bread tha''south potent or dry. In one case you spot mold, there'south no turning dorsum. You've gotta toss it.)

Hither's what happened—and how you tin exercise better past your stale staff of life.

Why Bread Goes Stale

To figure out which method would do the best job of bringing my bread dorsum to life, I thought it would be helpful to understand what causes staff of life to plow dry and difficult in the outset place.

Did yous know that staff of life starts going stale within minutes of existence pulled from the oven?"As breadstuff cools, the structure of the starchy carbohydrates offset to crystallize," explains Establish of Food Technologists past president Roger Clemens, Ph.D. This crystallization process occurs every bit the staff of life loses moisture and heat. It's actually a skilful thing, because it's what helps piping hot, fresh bread firm up enough so you can piece information technology. But as more moisture is lost, more than of those starch crystals form, and the bread starts to turn stale.

The skilful news is that adding heat and moisture back into staff of life tin can make information technology soft and chewy once over again. To a bespeak, anyhow. "In many cases, the breadstuff won't be 100 per centum, but information technology will still be palatable," Clemens says.

The All-time Ways to Revive Stale Bread

Armed with this knowledge, I decided to put a few popular stale breadstuff hacks to the test. Here's a wait at what worked—and what didn't.

Method 1: Put bread in a handbag with some celery.

This method works, but your bread volition smell like celery.

Volition tucking a sad loaf into a bag with a stem of celery and letting the two hang out overnight requite you delicious bread? Some folks say aye, only I was pretty skeptical. Celery does incorporate a lot of h2o, and it's possible for dry staff of life to absorb some of that wet. But it all the same didn't seem similar the best option because there was no heat involved.

And indeed, my celery bread wasn't the most delicious. I allow the two sit in a rolled-upward paper bag for virtually eight hours. The bread was noticeably softer every bit a effect but in a soggy, damp, unappetizing sort of style. Too, it smelled similar celery.

Method 2: Microwave bread with a damp paper towel.

This method works but the crust will also turn soft.

Wrapping bread in a clammy paper towel surrounds it with moisture, and the microwave adds estrus. So, in theory, you should accept all the elements you demand to bring dying bread dorsum to life, right?

Still, the results were underwhelming. Enshrouding the bread and microwaving it for 1 minute did make my dried half-loaf noticeably softer with more moisture. But instead of getting pleasantly well-baked, the crust turned soft too. If that doesn't carp you, so this method works, only I thought it was meh.

Method 3: Wrap bread in foil and bake it.

This hack will keep your bread crisp only likewise dry out out your bread.
Robert F. Bukaty/AP

This technique seemed like a step in the right direction. The foil wrapping seemed like information technology would trap some steam as the bread warmed up, yielding a softer texture. And letting the loaf hang out in a 375-caste oven for 10 minutes seemed like it would add enough oestrus to get the exterior nice and well-baked.

It definitely worked improve than the other two tricks. The crust got fairly crisp, which I liked. The downside was that the rest of the bread kind of stale out too. Then it didn't exactly brand the texture fresh. Instead, it only turned the clock back by a day or and so.

Method 4: Spritz bread with water and bake it.

This is the all-time method for reviving stale bread.
Christian Guthier/Flickr

This hack, which was basically like method No. iii but with one actress step, seemed similar it would be the holy grail. Earlier wrapping my bread in foil and baking, I used a spray canteen to lightly spritz the chaff with h2o. I had a feeling this would add back some of the moisture that my bread had lost, yielding a loaf that was crisp on the outside and soft on the within.

Was information technology perfect? No—this didn't taste exactly similar the bread I had bought from my local baker four days earlier. But it was pretty close! Out of all the methods I tried, this ane was far and abroad the winner.

The Bottom Line

You need two things to revive stale bread: wet and heat. Misting the chaff lightly with h2o, wrapping the loaf in foil, and blistering at 375 degrees for 10 minutes delivered both of these key elements and made my 4-24-hour interval-old bread taste relatively fresh.

Of course, information technology would be even ameliorate if you could go along the breadstuff from going stale in the offset identify. It's incommunicable to brand bread last forever, but if y'all know it'll be a few days before you plan to end up that loaf, consider sticking information technology in the freezer. (These instructions tell y'all exactly how to do it.) That will assist irksome the loss of moisture so your breadstuff is fresher whenever you're ready to eat it.

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